Today was great! We spent most of it at the orphanage. We played with the smallest 3 children, until the school children came home. They started school today for the Fall semester. As each child came up the stairs to the balcony where we were sitting, they each kissed us on the cheek, even the older boys. They were so dignified and such gentlemen and very respectful to us.
They ate their dinner at 3:30 pm and then.......... they each received their new bookbags and school supplies. (Apparently, they didn't need them the first day of school.) Most of those were the ones sent by our church. The children were so excited! It was a huge fun event, full of smiles and laughter. After this our group played and hugged the children and everyone seemed to have a good time.
Let me explain about their meals. They eat two meals a day, breakfast in the morning and their second meal at 3:30 pm when they come home from school. They get a small snack at school. Twilla said that all Haitians eat only two meals a day and, indeed, that is common for many third world countries.
I guess the most important part of the day was the repair of an indoor toilet that had not functioned for years. The children have been using an outhouse. The hero-of-the-day award goes to Jan, who is Jane Carney's childhood friend from Haiti. She was brought to the orphanage early this morning to meet the plumber and an interpreter. She accomplished the fixing of the toilet quickly and there was enough money left over for Jan to go to the store and buy a second toilet. It was installed upstairs in a "bathroom" which had the basics of plumbing there, but had never had a toilet in it for lack of funds.
Our baby, Rolenska, is doing so well! She is now sucking formula and fluids from a bottle and has started to smile! The nurses were worried that she might react to the feedings with diarrhea because her system was so fragile. When she had a normal dirty diaper today, they all broke out clapping and exclaiming. Martine (the mama) and Rolenska are spending the night with us again at the hotel. I think Twilla feels that the baby will be well enough to go back home when we leave and Martine will come once a week to the orphanage to get formula and a baby check-up.
All-in-all, it was a great day. I could tell you more stories, but it is dinnertime and I'm hungry! Thank you for all your prayers.
Susan Jones
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